요리 : Ojing-o Chomuchim 오징어 초무침
보스톤코리아  2011-04-25, 12:46:17 
Squid with Hot and Sweet Vinaigrette
Can be pierced with toothpicks and served as Suranju
(Cocktail hors d’oeuvres)

Ingredients (serves 4)
-3 medium SQUID (1lb/455g) the body tube opened and skin peeled
- 1 ½ cup WHITE WINE
- CHOGOCHUJANG( Hot and Sweet Vinaigrette) see Chamchi Whe p16
1. Prepare Chogochujang (Hot and Sweet Vinaigrette)
2. Put the squid on a cutting board with the inner side facing up. Using a sharp boning knife, score the skin lightly (do not cut through) 1/8” apart in a criss-cross pattern
3. Cut the squid in half lengthwise, trim off the uneven edges and cut the squid into ½” 1.3cm strips.
4. In a medium pot, bring the wine to a boil. Add the squid stir and cook for a munute or until it starts curling up. Drain and let cool. Serve with the sauce.
Molded Jelly with Seaweed and Seasoned soy Sauce
You can use either acorn or mung bean jelly, or mix the two to show both brown(acorn) and white (mung bean) colors. They are both very bland. But the sauce and shredded giim (seaweed) add a delicious flavor and texture to muk (molded jelly)
Ingredients (serves 4)
-1 cube MUK, cut in half and sliced thin
-1 Sheet GIIM( seaweed), lightly toasted and sliced very thin with scissors
YANGYOMJANG(Seasoned soy sauce)
-4 tablespoons SOY SAUCE
-1 ½ tablespoons SEASAME OIL
-2 tablespoons SESAME SEEDS
-2tablespoons GOCHUGARU (Chilli flakes)
-1 small GARLIC CLOVE, crushed fine
-1 tablespoon chopped SCALLION

1. Combine the sauce ingredients (except scallion)
and chill in the refrigerator for two hours.
Add scallion just before serving.
2. Arrange muk slices on the plate
and pour the sauce generously over it.
Garnish with the shredded seaweed.

YongJa Kim

ⓒ 보스톤코리아(http://www.bostonkorea.com), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
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