<은행들 융자조정 늑장처리, 홈오너 크레딧만 뚝…뚝>-4 |
보스톤코리아 2010-03-22, 14:43:41 |
▶▶지난호에 이어서
크레디터와 채무금액 관련하여 협상을 하고자 할 때, #1. 크레딧 카드 회사 고객서비스에서 먼저 제안을 한 경우, 이 금액이 다소 높아 거절하면서 낮은 금액으로 다시 제안하는경우입니다. 물론 크레딧 리포트 내용도 paid in full로 정정하는 내용을 담고 있으므로, late payment, charge-off 등이 기록된 분들이라면 한번 고려해 보실 수 있습니다. Your Name Your Address Your Phone # Creditor's Name Department Creditor's Address Date Dear Creditor, Re: Account Number__________ I appreciate the fact that your company is willing to negotiate with me for settlement of my debt. This letter is to make a counter offer in response to the amount your customer service representative wants me to pay for payment of debt in full. The amount that I wish to offer you for payment of my debt is $__________. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money to pay all my creditors. So, I can only settle debt with those creditors who're willing to meet my terms. However, I've been able to negotiate successfully with a couple of creditors and I doubt if I'll have enough funds remaining at the end of this month. While I settle the debt, I'd request you to help me remove any negative listing (late payment, charge-off etc) on this account from my credit file. In fact, I'd be willing to offer you more money if you can report my account status as "Paid in full" to the credit bureaus. If you find these terms agreeable, please sign the attached letter of agreement and return a copy to me. Upon receipt of this signed acknowledged agreement, I will send you a money order in the amount as stated above. Yours truly, Your Signature Your Name #2 크레딧 카드사에서 전화로 제안한 금액에 동의하는 서신으로, 전화를 주고받은 날짜와 시각정보를 확인하셔야 하며, 금액을 다시한번 적으셔야 합니다. This letter is to confirm the debt settlement offer made between myself and your customer service representative (over the phone) on [date]. I appreciate that your company has agreed to work with me in settling my debt. The amount that your representative and I have agreed upon to settle the debt in full is $___________. I would appreciate if you co-ordinate with the credit bureaus and remove any negative entry related to this account. It'll actually help me regain a perfect credit rating. I hope you'll find the above terms acceptable. If it is so, please sign this letter of acceptance and return a copy to me. As soon as I receive this signed acknowledged agreement, I shall forward you the settlement amount (as stated above) through a money order. 혹은 This is a letter of confirmation or acceptance of the verbal offer in response to the mutual settlement agreement with your company representative over the phone ( ) on [date]. I am impressed by your co-operation with me to help me settle the debt for less than what I owe. As agreed upon mutually, I confirm that I'll be paying $__________ towards settlement of my debt in full. As part of the settlement, I request you to remove any negative listing (late payment, collection etc) on this account from my credit file. I hope the above terms and conditions are acceptable to your company. On accepting my proposal, please send me the attached letter with your signature in order to confirm our agreement. Once I receive this signed acknowledged agreement, I shall forward you the payment amount (stated above) through money order. ▶▶다음호에 계속 이민법 추방, 영주권, 시민권, 노동허가, 신분변경 파산 보호법 개인빚 청산, 회사구조조정, 빚 청산플랜 소비자 보호법 불법 컬렉션, 소비자불만 불공정 대우, 자동차 판매관련 사기 교통사고/상해, 소셜시큐리티 장애/보조급여 *한국 민사/형사법 - 사기등 특경가법에 의한 기소중지 등 WGC LAWYERS 장우석 변호사 법률컬럼 Jefferson Office Park 790 Turnpike St. Suite 202 North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Map.google.com: WGC LAWYERS Email: [email protected] T: 617-418-4289 F: 617-500-9202 ⓒ 보스톤코리아(http://www.bostonkorea.com), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 |
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