보스톤 인근 골프장 가이드 (90번(128번) 안팎의 골프장) - T to Z
Tewksbury Country Club

 1880 Main St. Tewksbury, MA (978)640-0033


 Club Pro: Mike Rogers, PGA

 Payment: Visa, Mc, Amex, Disc, Checks

 Tee Times: F/S/S(978-640-0033 x14)

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $20, Weekend $24

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $36, Weekend $40

 Twilight Rates: After 3pm S/S

 Discounts: Senior & Junior

 Cart Rental: $15pp/18, $9pp/9

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: Yes

 Schools: Junior

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: Yes

 Architect/Yr Open: Frank Stasio / 1998

 Other: Restaurant/ Clubhouse

 Impeccably manicure golf course. A challenge for all ability levels. Beautiful stone walls and fountains. Post and beam clubhouse.

 Directions: I-93 to Exit 42 (Dascomb Road) toward Tewksbury. Turn left onto Shawsheen St. Follow Shawsheen to Route 38. Turn right onto Livingston St. From Route 128, take Route 38 North to Livingston St.

Trull Brook Golf Course

 170 River Road Tewksbury, MA (978)851-6731


 Club Pro: Al Santos, PGA

 Payment: Visa, MC

 Tee Times: 1 week adv.

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $22.50 M-F pm, Weekend $24

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $42 M-Th, Weekend $46 F $ 47.50 S/S/H

 Twilight Rates: After 5pm

 Discounts: Sr.& Jr. (M-Th); Clergy: $16.50; Junior under 17 accompanied with adult: $31.50/18

 Cart Rental: $29/18, $15/9 per cart

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: Yes

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: No

 Architect/Yr Open: Geoffrey Cornish/ 1962

 Other: Clubhouse / Lockers / Showers / Snack Bar / Winter Tennis Center

 Player Comments: “Very well kept. Nice greens.” Challenging course. Scenic.” Geoffrey Cornish design. Dress code. Open dawn to dusk.

 Directions: From I-495 or I-93, take Route 133 exit, follow West toward Lowell. At Mobil Station, sharp right onto River Road. Course is 1/3 mile on left.

Unicorn Golf Course

 460 William Street Stoneham, MA (781)438-9732

 Club Pro: Carl Marchio

 Payment: Cash Only

 Tee Times: No

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $19, Weekend $20

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays: No, Weekend: No

 Twilight Rates: No

 Discounts: Senior & Junior (M-F), Resident

 Cart Rental: $13/9 per cart

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: Yes

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: No

 Membership: No

 Architect/Yr Open: Stiles & Van Kleek / 1928

 Other: Snack Bar

 Stoneham resident rates. The course is relatively level; easy walk. Nice par 3s, and #7 and #9 are great holes.

 Directions: I-93 to Montvale Avenue. Follow to end. Take left onto Route 28, then left at next set of lights (Williams Street). Course is 1/4 mile on left.

Wayland Country Club

 121 Old Sudbury Road Wayland, MA (508)358-4775


 Club Pro: John Gordon, PGA

 Payment: Credit Cards, Cash

 Tee Times: Call Monday for weekends

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $25, Weekend $28

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $37, Weekend $47($28 after 2pm)

 Twilight Rates: After 6pm

 Discounts: Senior & Junior

 Cart Rental: $16pp/18, $10pp/9

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: $40-$80/hour

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: Yes

 Other: Restaurant/ Clubhouse / Snack Bar / Bar-Lounge

 Course is fairly flat with small greens and alternating wide and narrow fairways. Easy to walk. Great staff.

 GPS: Yes

 Directions: I-95/ Route 128 to Route 20 West; right onto Route 27 North; approximately 1 mile on right.

Widow’s Walk Golf Course

 250 The Driftway Scituate, MA (781)544-7777


 Club Pro: Bob Sanderson, PGA

 Payment: Visa, MC, Amex, Disc

 Tee Times: 4 days adv.

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $22 M-Th, Weekend $25 F/S/S

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $37 M-Th, Weekend $45 F/S/S

 Twilight Rates: Yes

 Discounts: Senior & Junior M-Th

 Cart Rental: $14pp/18, $8pp/9

 Driving Range: $3.50/bucket

 Lessons: $50/45 minutes

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: Yes

 Architect/Yr Open: Michael Hurdzan/ 1997

 Other: Restaurant/ Bar

 Challenging course, very groomed, great ocean views. Some of the best public greens anywhere. Rated 4 stars Golf Digest ‘Best Places to Play’

 Directions: Route 3 to Exit 13. Route 53 North to Route 123 East. 6 miles on Route 123 East to rotary. Second right on rotary. Course is 7/10 mile on left.

William J. Devine Golf Course

 1 Circuit Drive Dorchester, MA (617)265-4084

 Club Pro: Kevin Frawley

 Payment: Visa, MC, Cash

 Tee Times: Weekends & Holidays

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $18, Weekend $20

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $31, Weekend $35

 Twilight Rates: No

 Discounts: Senior & Junior

 Cart Rental: $20pp/18, $11pp/9

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: $50/half hour

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: Yes, waiting list

 Architect/Yr Open: Donald Ross/1896

 Other: Clubhouse / Snack Bar / Lockers/ Function Faility

 Second oldest public course in the U.S. a Donald Ross design. Some terrific holes with a great Boston skyline.-FP Across from Franklin Park Zoo.

 Directions: Follow signs to Franklin Park Zoo. Take 93 North/South. Take Columbia Road exit. Follow Coumbia Road to Franklin Park.

Woburn Country Club

 5 Country Club Road Woburn, MA (781)933-9880

 Club Pro: Paul Barkhouse, PGA

 Payment: Visa, MC

 Tee Times: 2 days/weekends only

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $20, Weekend $21

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $29, Weekend $34

 Twilight Rates: No

 Discounts: Senior & Junior(weekdays only)

 Cart Rental: $28/18, $16/9 per cart

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: $40/half hour

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: Residents only

 Other: Restaurant/ Snack Bar/ Function Hall

 Small greens. Need a good short game to score well, every lie in the book. Dress code required. Resident rates available.

 Directions: I-93 to I-95/Route 128 South. Exit 33A(Winchester), straight through Woburn Four Corners, take left at first set of lights onto Country Club Road.

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