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*******룸메이트, 서블렛 사기 조심하세요********
2024-10-16, 11:27:47   Bostonkorea 추천수 : 2100  |  조회수 : 241875
IP : 50.XXXX.226.251
 플러스 광고
의견목록    [의견수 : 49]
2024.11.06, 01:42:55
저도 당할뻔 햇는데 덕분에 잡아냇네요! 모두 감사드립니다. 저도 Sara Jung이라는 이름으로 연락이 왓어요. 한번만 더 걸리면 아래와같이 조치한다고 말해놧습니다. 조금이나마 경각심을 갖고 멈추면 좋겟네요. 혹시 모르니 모두들 받은 이메일 지우지않고 보관해두시면 좋을 것 같아요! 모두 조심하세요!!

I've learned that you are a scammer. Note that my partner is a ____ and his brother-in-law is a ____. If you email me again, we will take appropriate actions to 1) Identify who you are, 2) where you are located, and 3) formally file a police report. I am aware that your number is an internet generated number, though we have means to track how/where it was generated and by who as well. I connected with other Koreans who were scammed by you previously, which means I have enough materials to file a police report, including other aliases/emails you previously used (i.e., Sandra Park, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Shoon Kim, [email protected], Sophie Litwin, Jennifer Kwon, Grace Lee ). I've obtained all emails they received from you with which we can track IP addresses used in sending emails, location, 뭉 personal information used in setting up those inboxes.
IP : 172.xxx.175.196
2023.11.20, 21:09:13
23년 11월 아직도 Sara Jung과 Sandra Park Scam 활동 중입니다. 현재 한국에서 살고 있는데, 갑자기 보스턴에서 아무 이유없이 집구한다는 Sara Jung과 Columbia 나왔고, 유럽에서 인턴하는데 영어 이메일 엄청 이상하게 쓰는 Sandra Park은 무조건 scam이니 거르세요. 조금 대화하다보면 Check 보내준다고 하는 수법이 예전이랑 똑같네요.
IP : 38.xxx.193.237
2023.10.11, 08:46:51
2023년 10월 현재 [email protected][email protected] 에게서 받음.
산드라박은 콜럼비아 나왔다는데 영어가 너무 구려서 스캠이라 생각했고 ruimin 이란 사람이 좀 애매했지만 역시 스캠이라고 결론 내렸어요.
IP : 76.xxx.230.203
2023.04.02, 23:24:39
Christina Park, Sara Jung 등 아직도 같은 이름으로 메일이 많이 옵니다. 4000불 넘게 날릴 뻔한거 기적적으로 살았네요. 이 글을 예전에 읽었어서 방심했습니다. 제발 조심, 또 조심하세요! 모르는 사람과의 체크 거래는 왠만하면 피하시고, 불가피할 경우 은행에 가지고 오라고 하네요. 우리보다는 은행 직원들이 fake check를 확인해줄 수 있으니 꼭 참고하세요.
IP : 76.xxx.170.64
2023.03.29, 00:47:11
Sara Jung 이라고
카카오톡 오픈채팅으로 저에게 서블렛 문의가 왔고
풀타임으로 일한다고 개.소리하고 자동응답기
마냥 계속 물어본 질문에 대답안하고 본인 회사 통해서 체크(수표) 보내준다고 개.소리하고

진짜 얘기하다가 이게 자동응답기랑 얘기하는거같은
, 사기같은 느낌이들어서 혹시? 하는마음에 이 공지글 들어왔더니 아니나 다를까 사례가 아주많네요, 진짜 다들 조심하세요
My name is Sara Jung<<<<<
꼭 거르세요. 회사통해서 체크보낼테니까 이름주소 알려달라고만 하고, 물어보는 질문에 대답안하고 다른질문으로 다른 대답하면서 회피하는게 특징입니다.
한국말 조금밖에 못하고 영어로 말하는게 편하다고 하던데, 여기 한국사이트야 사기꾼 개**야.

IP : 174.xxx.72.112
2021.12.07, 13:23:15
유럽에서 인턴중이고 콜롬비아 대학 나왔다는 산드라 박씨 디포짓 사기꾼입니다. 번호도 가짜겠지만 385-787-6122 이에요. 아래 댓글분도 산드라 박한테 똑같은 메세지 받았네요. 한국어는 번역기 돌리는것 같고, 영어도 미국에서 오래 살고 대학도 나왔다고 하시는데 귕장히 어설프고.. 문자 보면 감 오실꺼에요. 오늘 문자 받았는데 조심하세요.
IP : 71.xxx.163.175
2021.02.27, 12:50:21
Greetings to you.

I found your email from the Korean community classified ads, I'm interested in your place for rent, Long term preferably but also open to a short term offers if that's what you have. I would like to know the final price for rent and deposit including utilities if there's any. Any questions let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you. Please, I would prefer it if we stick to English writing. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend ahead.

Thank you
Thank you so much for taking your time to write me back.I would like stay for minimum of 6 months and that can change in a matter of time and secondly, I would like to move in by the end of Feb. I don't smoke, I barely drink but I can guarantee you, I'm a very clean and organized person. I would like to visit your home to see how it is but I can't do that at the moment cos I am presently in Phoenix Az. I would like to make an advance payment for the room upon my arrival so as to secure it, If you have any questions for me you should ask. I'm an Interior designer, Single, No pets, no worries..Let me know if you are okay with my offer. Thank you and have a nice day.
로 시작해서 정보를 알기위해 sns계정을 요구하니 자신은 이혼햇으면 변호사가 sns를 하지 말라 해서 계정이 없다 하였습니다. 그래서 전화번호와 사진, 면허증 을 제시 해달라 했더니
(602) 888-7425 That's my phone number and attached is my photo. 이번호를 주었고, 이 전화번호는
스켐 의심 이력이 있는 번호였습니다. 이후로도 면허증 같은 정식 서류를 4번 이상 요구하였으나 매번 다른 답장을 보내왔습니다.

물론 아닐 수 있지만, 조심 해야 한다고 생각해서 거래를 캔슬 하였습니다.
IP : 108.xxx.66.123
패드매치 리얼티
2020.10.08, 01:25:45
최근에 받은 스캠메일입니다.
Sara Jung 이란 이름으로 왔네요.


Thanks for taking your time to write me, I am Sara Jung, 28 years old woman and i work full time, Monday to Friday and have weekends off except for once a month. I was born in Seoul and in grew up Kerrville, TX. I am a professional computer consultant and i deal in various kinds of computer applications and software. I am very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship above anything. I am a laid-back person, I love traveling, sporting and enjoy meeting people around the world. I came across your advert about your place for rent and i am extremely interested in renting your place and i will like answers to my questions below about your place for rent:

1) I will like to have the description of the room, size, and the equipment in there.
2) I will like to know the duration of the lease
3) I will like to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities.
4) I will also be coming with some of my furniture, electronics that is if it is allowed, like bed, book shelf because I read a lot, shoe rank etc
5) I will like to know if i can make an advance payment as a form of commitment
6) I will also like to know if you accept cashier's check as a form of deposit
7) If the # 6 questions is a YES, I will like to know the total cost for the initial move as in first month rent plus utilities and if deposit is necessary.
8) I will like to know the major intersection, names of major areas like, markets, malls, churches, gym, taxi park ,churches, restaurants and bars ,e.t.c
9) Finally, i will like to know if there is a free parking space or i will need to pay monthly for one cuz i do have a car

Please kindly get back to me with answers and I hope to hear from you soon

Warmest Regards

IP : 24.xxx.26.95
2020.08.18, 10:30:41
조심하세요. '박 산드라'님이 이렇게 이메일을 보냈어요.
나중에 그녀의 소셜 미디어 계정을 요청했을 때 그녀는 나에게 임의의 백인 여자 사진 두 장을 보냈습니다.

무엇을 성취하려고하는지 잘 모르겠습니다 ... 아는 사람 있나요?

"Hi ,How are you doing today? Hope this email finds you well.  I saw your ads on Korean forum which my  friend introduced to me. Let me know introduce myself :  My name is Sandra   Park, I am 26 years old female and  I was born in Seoul ,and raised in Flushing NY, I graduated with a masters of science  in International Marketing from Columbia University.  I am currently in Europe for my internship for couple of months now.  I decided to gain some work experience , knowledge about Foreign Affairs before I start my own business. With this amazing internship, I learned a lot about Fair Trade, this helped me to understand the importance that sustainable and fair business practices have for people around the world.  I used to work as a marketing communication manager in a small company in US before I went for my internship in Europe Foreign Affairs offices scattered around the world.I really enjoy traveling, and enjoy meeting people across the world.  I am very neat, quiet, easy going, friendly, and honest person. I will like to know the rent fee per month plus the utilities, the description of the Place, pictures, size of the place, and the equipment's in there, the closest market, mall and church around.  I will also like to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my arrival that will be as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place for me. I'm coming to the states to as soon as I am done with my internship here.  I will be glad if you can get back to me with a complete email with description of the place. Look forward to hear from you soon.

Best regards,
IP : 24.xxx.25.6
2019.04.01, 07:53:37
머리가 안좋은놈인가 예전에 썼던 이메일을 또 쓰는군요. 저한테도 메일이 와서 남깁니다.
이메일: [email protected]
I am a student in the area and i am interested in your for rent ad.
If its available kindly let me know the followings:

The rent fee per month
The rent deposit ( If there's any )
The utility fee per month
The rent available duration

Looking forward to your email response
IP : 67.xxx.242.8
2019.03.05, 20:17:34
저도 아래 댓글에 언급된 동일 인물에게 다른 내용으로 메일을 받았습니다. 이 글을 읽지 않았다면, 똑같이 당할 뻔 했네요. 메일 내용은 굉장히 장황하고 그럴듯해 보이지만 읽다보면 허점이 많이 보입니다.
다들 조심하시길 바랍니다.

- Eunyoung Kim ([email protected])

Hello, How are you doing?I saw your advert on Korea Boston and I am interested in your room Or apartment,I was born in east-croydon London in united kingdom and I will be having my Study leave as a student doctor coming up soon in the USA.Right now I am in new south wales Australia for a programme on children with heart related probs.My next Programmes will be in the USA and I will be needing a room to stay for this programme and I need to secure a room before my arrival to the US.I am having fun here in south wales and I can't wait to arrive to the states.Pls do get back to me with the room description ,move in rent fees for the first month and any deposit if included.I await your reply
IP : 65.xxx.9.10
2018.11.20, 14:36:56
최근 저도 몇몇 메일을 받았으나 여기 남기신 글들 덕분에 피할수 있었습니다.
혹시 추후에라도 다른분들에게 도움이 될까 해서 요 며칠 제가 받은 글들을 남깁니다.
영어로 오는 메일은 이제 신뢰가 안되네요..

#1. Pat Luong ([email protected])
I am a student in the area and i am interested in your for rent ad.
If its available kindly let me know the followings:

The rent fee per month
The rent deposit ( If there's any )
The utility fee per month
The rent available duration

Looking forward to your email response


#2. Eunyoung Kim ([email protected])
Hello I"m really Interested in renting your place...

#3. ??? ([email protected])

I am writing about your property for rent, Please i will like to know if you still have the place available, Kindly get back to me if it's still available. I look forward to hear from you


IP : 73.xxx.188.147
2018.10.11, 22:58:15
최근에 Shoon Kim 으로 카톡 보내는 사람 있어요! 전형적인 사기 수법입니다. 꼭 무시하세요!!
IP : 73.xxx.113.127
2018.08.31, 14:43:51
저도 며칠전 anna Korogodski 라는 이름으로 똑같은 수법의 사기 연락을 받았어요
사기인 줄 모르고, 그 쪽 ID를 받고 저도 제 여권을 보내줬어요.
우연히 anna korogodski와 함께아는 친구와 컨택을 하게되었고, 이야기를 하다가 저에게 연락한건 anna 본인이 아닌 사기꾼이 anna를 사칭하고있다는 사실을 알게되었습니다
Anna는 지난 5월에 다른 사람을 사칭한 사람과 서블렛 계약을하다가 id를 교환했고, 이상한 부분이있어 계약을 하지않았다고 해요. 그때보낸 anna의 id는 지금 도용되고 있구요.
운이 좋게 anna와 연락이 닿아 내일 모레 경찰서에 함께 레포트를 하러가기로했어요. 하지만, 저도 그 사기꾼에서 여권을 보내줬기에 제 신분이 사칭될 수도 있어요.
혹시라도 Jiyeon Sim 으로 된 한국여권 도용을 보시거나 연락이 오신다면 사기에요. 그리고 저에게 좀 알려주세요.
다들 조심하세요ㅠㅠㅠ
IP : 121.xxx.224.24
2018.07.04, 01:41:11
새로운 사기꾼이고요 이름은 Zijuan Yang 멜주소는 [email protected] 입니다.
정말이지 수법의 진보가 없네요 -_-
I got your email and I am so glad to read back from you. I am pleased to know that the place is still available for rent. The total move in cost .i.e. rent​ is okay, could you send the picture of the place​​ to my email, i will like to see the place. Please I wa​​nt you to understand that I'll not be able to check out the place not until my arrival, I'd like to take a decision now 'cos my grandmother is sick; she was diagnosed day before yesterday, she has colorectal cancer, I’m presently with her at the Private ward of the Virginia Medical Center attending to her until her financier assigns a stay in nursing ​​for her, she will be due for surgery soon.
I'll like to share a little bit about myself; I'm originally from ​China,​ I’m a busy lady that love to work. I will be doing an​​ internship program in NIH. I'm single and searching. I am a very studious person; I do like to hang out with friends and I like meeting people, i like hardworking, hon​​est, clean and responsible people; I dislike lazy, untidy and uncaring people. I love pets but I do not have one due to the nature of my b​​usy schedule. I like the outdoors and I'm a good swimmer and sometimes i play tennis. I'm financially secure, time conscious and see myself as a miss independent who pays her bills on time. I'm quiet and easy with myself and willing to share the house chores. I am a great cook and baker (love to do both) during my down time; I like to hangout, films/movie, read, enjoy the outdoors and/or go for a run/workout at the gym. Fitness and wellness are essential to me; and I always trying to create healthier habits; I believe this truly summarise what you need to know about me.
I'm currently in North Arlington Virginia to attend to a family emergency and will be there in college soon. Furthermore, I will like to know more about you and the neighbourhood. I would love to rent the place for the time​​ it is available for. I will like you to get back to me as soon as you can so that I can make preparations for the rent and deposit fee to be sent out to you before my arrival in your place; in order to secure the place before I come.

As regards the lease agreement, if there is any, I want you to send it to me for my review, i will eventually have it filled and signed on my arrival in your place and i will abide by it. I will appreciate a quick response from you so that we can move ahead as regards sending payment for rent and deposit to you.
IP : 73.xxx.235.21
2018.05.17, 07:44:13
오늘 아침에 카톡으로 연락이 와서, 자기가 유럽 출장중인데 보스턴으로 돌아가기전에 먼저 집을 구하고 싶고 체크를 지금 당장 보낼 수 있다는 식으로 연락이 왔었어요. 이름은 Shoon Kim 이라고 소개하구요. 다들 피해 없으시길 바래요 :)
IP : 209.xxx.212.214
2018.03.12, 04:54:23
저도 막 이메일 주고 받고 싶지어 막 주소, 풀네임, 그리고 전화번호를 달라해서 다 줬는데 이거는 뭐 다행히 은행정보가 아니라 다행이지만... 암튼!! Pat Luong이라는 이름으로 [email protected]이 이메일 주소를 통해 연락온다면 꼭 바로 스팸처리하세요!! 아 그리구 Jane Lee [email protected] 이 사람도 조심하세요! 밑에는 Pat Luong이라는 사기꾼한테 받은 메일이에요!

Hello ,

Thanks for the response and I am so glad to read back from you.
I am pleased to know that the room is still available for rent,I want
you to know that the total move in cost
(Rent/Deposit) is okay with me,i'll appreciate it if you could send me
the pictures via email,
as I would like to see the place.Please understand that I'll not be
able to check out the place not till my arrival and I'd like to take a
decision now.I will like to share a little about myself.

Am a busy person that love to work and am a freshman here at the
College Student and i am currently a pre-nursing major.I will be
applying at the end of this year for the nursing
program here.I am a very studious person but I do like to hang out
with friends. I'm still

I drink occasionally, I like hardworking,honest, clean and
responsible people and I dislike lazy,untidy and uncaring people. I
love pets but I do not have one due to the nature of my busy schedule.
I like the outdoors and I'm a good swimmer and sometimes play tennis.
I'm financially secure, time conscious and see myself as a miss
independent who pays her bills on time. I'm quiet and easy with myself
and willing to share the house chores as a prospective tenant. I am a
great cook and baker (love to do both) I believe this about summarize
what you need to know about me?

I'm currently in Indiana in to attend to a family emergency and
will be there in college soon. Furthermore, I will like to know more
about you and the neighborhood, is street parking allowed or paid for
because I will be coming over with my car. Will there be enough room
for my bed-room furniture? I will also like to know if you have vacuum
cleaner,laundry machine, dryer and refrigerator? If not can I come with mine.

How long/short is the lease period? I would love to rent the place
for the time it is available for. I'll be busy with my travel
arrangements but I will like you to get back to me as soon as you can
so that I can make preparations for the rent and deposit fee to be
sent out to you before my arrival in your place in order to secure the
place before i come.I believe we can work together and ensure every
arrangements that we shall both execute in line with my taking up the
tenancy should be done accordingly to ensure we have a proper

As regards the lease agreement,if there is any,i want you to send
it to me for my review,i will eventually have it filled and signed on
my arrival in your place and i will abide by it I will appreciate a
quick response from you so that we can move ahead as regards sending
payment for rent and deposit to you.

IP : 71.xxx.173.217
2017.11.08, 18:04:18
다행히 이곳을 보고 사기임을 확신했네요... 오늘 매우 비슷한 메일을 두개 받았습니다.
이곳에 공유하니 모두 조심하시길...


I am Jane Lee, 25 years old female and I work full time, Monday to Friday and have weekends off except for once a month. I was born and in Seoul and raised in America, but presently in Europe on a business trip for more than 5 weeks.......I am a professional Computer Consultant and I deal in various kinds of computer applications and software. I am very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship above anything.

I am a laid back person, I love traveling, sporting and Enjoy meeting people around the world. I am fun loving,clean, caring, and respectful to others. a non-smoker, i don’t do drugs, i drink occasionally, and drama free. Am single and have no children… i do bible study, and sometimes we do karaoke night and i go to church every Sunday.I would really love to secure the place from you before my arrival, So i will like to know the total amount of the place per month and the utility included, Size of the Place and the equipment in there, names of Markets, Churches, Restaurants, Malls, Gym, Cinemas, e.t.c

I will also like to know if I can make an Advance Payment ahead of my arrival as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place down for me since i planned coming to the states as soon as possible. I will be much glad and happy if you can get back to me as soon as possible so as to make arrangement for you to get the payment before my arrival to hold and consider the place is mine.

Warmest Regards

Jane Lee



Thanks so much for responding, Honestly, i must confess I'm comfortable with the cost and it is okay by me. I will like to make the Rental Fee ahead of my arrival as a act of commitment that shows that am very much interested in renting the place,I should be arriving as Soon as all arrangements are okay by you and i will be signing applications upon my arrival.

As for my mode of payment, My Previous company I worked for before coming to Europe once owed me some money and they have agreed to pay me back only in form of a Cashier's check. So, I will have them issue out the my paycheck to you because it's an American check and i can't use them here in Europe because it can only be changed to cash in America

So if this okay with you, I will like them to mail the check to you via FedEx Or USPS Courier Service Overnight Delivery in which i will like you to deduct your total fee from it and i will like you to help me wire the remaining balance to me here because i will be needing the money for my flight Expenses since i can't use my credit card here in Europe. Therefore i will need your following information below so as to prepare the check:

Your full name as it will appear on the check,
Your work or home address to ensure delivery in your hands through regular mails or a courier service this week
Your phone number to keep contact close and avoid package missing in transit.

I will also like to know the nearest airport to the house.I will also like to know if you will be available to come pick me up from the airport and show me around or if I should make alternative arrangement.I'll be so glad if you can reserve the Place for me and help remove all your the adverts about the place as I'll love to rent the place.I am more interested in a long term lease, but still open to any form of lease you want and i will get all paperwork done when i arrive.Well, i think we will get along well because am a easy going person who respects ones privacy, like I said I don't do drugs or smoke but I drink only occasionally, I strongly believe there will not be any problems living with me as I was raised by strong catholic Christian parents and have imbibed such good qualities from childhood and am very easy going and very fun to be with kind of person. I am always on line on my Kakao Talk. Try and Message me, My Kakao talk ID is caligirl101

I'll be so glad if you can reserve the place for me and get back to me with the information i requested so as to prepare the Check.

Please kindly remove all the adverts about the place.

Best Regards and God Bless You

Jane Lee
IP : 129.xxx.9.37
2017.09.16, 10:03:32
저도 최근 연락을 받았습니다. 활동을 재개한 듯.
여기서 올리신 글을 못 봤다면 낭패를 봤을 수도 있었겠다는 생각에 글을 올립니다. 수법이 Copy & paste 밖에 못하나봐요. 나이도 늘 26살이네요. 조심하시길.

Thanks so much for your email, I will start by introducing myself briefly; I am Jennifer Kwon 26 years old, Am Originally from Incheon, South Korea, and grew up in Oxnard, California.

I am a postgraduate student and a Researcher by profession, presently working with The European Public Health Alliance under the inspection of W.H.O/UNICEF as a microbiologist/Researcher; I do more of humanitarian work which is out of my real profession. Moreover, I just finished a project here in Europe, about treatment of water and to educate Communities on intensive health-care.

The project was initiated by UNICEF in conjunction with EPHA; I led the troop to actualize the conclusion of the project. My next appointment is in the United States, which is in your city, So i need a place to live on my arrival. I get lot of acknowledgment about me being friendly, I love kids, I’m laid back, I don't move about at nights, love reading novels and listening to the news because am very conservative about politics & entertainment.

I am really interested in renting your place , I am hardworking, fun loving, personal, friendly, clean, caring, and respectful to others, a non-smoker, i don’t do drugs, i drink occasionally, and drama free. I will be working in schools, Laboratories and Hospitals.

Please i will like to know if you still have the place available for rent......If YES, Kindly reply the following questions below:

1) I will like to have the description of the room, size, and the equipments in there.
2) I will like to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities.
3) I will also be coming with some of my furniture, electronics that is if it is allowed, like bed, book shelf because I read a lot, shoe rank etc
4) I will also like to know if you accept Cashier's Check or Money Order so that I can contact my payment rep for the payment. The company is responsible for the payment.
5) If the 4 questions are YES, I will like to know the total cost for the initial move as in first month rent plus utilities and if deposit is necessary.
6) I will like to know the major intersection
7) I will like to know as well when the place will be available and how long you wish to rent it out.


Jennifer Kwon
IP : 98.xxx.224.173
2017.06.14, 18:39:02
Sandra Park 같은이름으로 또 활동하더군요 조심하시길 바래요 모두.
그리고 왠만하면 영어로 장문으로 오는 메일 무시하면 좋겠어요.. 사기가 너무많아서;
IP : 209.xxx.145.217
2016.09.22, 14:45:42
댓글들 보니까 대부분의 사람들이 같은사람을 얘기하는거같네요...
저한테는 grannie 어쩌고저쩌고하면서 동정심 및 헛소리를 늘어놓으면서 2400불 체크 두장을 보냈습니다. 렌트비용을 제외한 나머지금액 보내달라고하길래, 체크 입금 전이라 직접 만나서 주겠다고하니까 괜찮다네요. 그리고 나서 일단 체크를 입금을 해보니 일주일가량 들어와있다가 다시 빠져나갔습니다. 다행히도 제가 게으르기도 하고 학교도 너무 바빳어서 중간에 돈보내주지는 못했어서 천만 다행이었습니다만... 다들 조심하시길 바랄께요.
메일이 왔는데 겁내 길게 영어로 부탁하지도않은 자기소개부터 지 사진 등등 보내면 무조건 같은놈이라고 보시면됩니다.

저한테는 SOPHIE LITWIN 이라고 왔고 드라이브 라이센스 찍어서 보내줬습니다. 페이스북 검색도해봤는데 같은사람이었고요.. 아무튼 조심들하세요
IP : 174.xxx.235.181
이젠 그만.
2016.09.03, 14:26:57
몇 일 전부터 외국인에게서 이메일이 와서, 좀 이상하다 싶긴 했는데...
역시 같은 류의 이메일이네요.
원래 뉴져지 출신이지만, 할머니가 암에 걸리셔서 지금은 버지니아에서 할머니 돌보고 있다. 등등.. 자주 쓰는 표현도 굉장히 겹치구요. 친한척 긴 이메일도 같네요.
이메일 주고 받다가.. 이름으로는 외국인 같은데, 어떻게 한국인 커뮤니티 사이트에서 내가 올린 글을 봤냐? 한국어 이해 할 수 있냐고 물어봤더니. 아래처럼 또 길게 이메일이 왔습니다.
이름은 Sophie Litwin입니다. 요즘에는 완전 외국인 이름으로도 활동하나봐요...

I got your email and I’m so glad that you are giving me the opportunity to rent your place, The pictures of the place is amazingly great, i love it. I promise to abide by the lease agreement and to pay my rent as at when due, i can look at the lease when I arrive as I am of the opinion that such issues are best handled physically. I want to secure the place before my arrival, i will like to go ahead and make payment for the rent and deposit required to be paid before I move in.

I am thru with Pre-Nursing program in Wisconsin, i want to move from WI to further my career in nursing as a major. I will be applying next year. The Pre-nursing courses i took earlier are the pre-requisite courses necessary for me to be eligible to apply for a nursing program. They are general education courses that will be the foundation of nursing education. Even though if a school doesn't have pre-nursing program doesn't mean it doesn't have pre-nursing requirements. Generally any school that offers a nursing degree either requires you to take a year of prerequisites before being eligible to apply to their nursing program it is the rare school that will integrate those prerequisites into the nursing curriculum. Because i took pre-nursing requirements at an accredited institution, i can transfer to another nursing program at another school easily.

I would really like to connect thru Skype or phone call but this is not the best time cos of grannies situation. i need to be with her 24 hours cos her condition over two days till now is so critical, moreover the hospital management policy does not allow receiving and making call at the surgical ward 'cos it disrupts and affect the functionality of the equipment in here at the ward , you can send me an email here or send me text message/voice mail to (571) 384-8251 with your name, I will respond back at my early convenience.

And as i have mentioned in my previous email, my grannies financier will be sending you the rental check to cover the rent/deposit, for them to do this, I'll need you to provide me with your full name in which the check will be issued and your physical contact address to which it should be sent to, on my receipt of this information, i will send it to my grannies financier with an instruction to them to issue and send you the payment immediately via a courier company, this way when you receive the payment, I will know that the place will be put on reserve for me.

Due to the limited time that we've on our hands, I’ll appreciate it if you can provide me with the information required for payment so that we can move ahead with this. As soon as we 're able to get my grannies a stay in nurse i 'll booking my flight to your place and will let you know the exact date and time of my arrival when i get a confirmation of my seat on an airline.
I got your ads on Boston Korea website from a lady i met in here at the clinic, her name is Na Yoon, she also assist me in interpreting your messages.

I'm looking forward to meeting you very soon.
Sincere regards.
IP : 205.xxx.145.254
2016.08.17, 12:46:13
여기 상주하나봐요 ㅋㅋㅋ 글올리자마자 2시간 만에 메일 옴 ㅋㅋㅋ


How are you doing today? I am Sandra Park, 25yrs old female and I was born in Seoul and raised in Los Angeles. I graduated with a masters of science in International Marketing from Calstatela in Los Angeles. I am currently in Europe for my internship for over couple of months now. I decided to gain some work experience , knowledge about Foreign Affairs before I start my own business. With this amazing internship, I learned a lot about Fair Trade, this helped me to understand the importance that sustainable and fair business practices have for people around the world. I used to work as a marketing communication manager in a small company in LA before I went for my internship in Europe Foreign Affairs offices scattered around the world.

I really enjoy traveling, and enjoy meeting people across the world. I am very neat, quiet, easy going, friendly, and honest person. I will like to know the rent fee per month plus the utilities, the description of the Place, pictures, size of the place, and the equipment's in there, the closest market, mall and church around. I will also like to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my arrival that will be as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place for me. I'm coming to the states to as soon as I am done with my internship in two or 3 weeks time. I will be glad if you can get back to me with a complete email with description of the place. Look forward to hear from you soon.

Best regards,
IP : 182.xxx.176.133
2016.04.23, 16:14:40
저두 왔어요! 뭔가 메일부터 낌새가 이상해서 혹시나했는데 ㅋㅋ 조심하세요 다들

Thanks so much for your email, I will start by introducing myself briefly; I am Jennifer Kwon 26 years old, Am Originally from Incheon, South Korea, and grew up in Oxnard, California.

I am a student and a Researcher by profession, presently working with The European Public Health Alliance under the inspection of W.H.O/UNICEF as a microbiologist/Researcher; I do more of humanitarian work which is out of my real profession. Moreover, I just finished a project here in Europe, about treatment of water and to educate Communities on intensive health-care.

The project was initiated by UNICEF in conjunction with EPHA; I led the troop to actualize the conclusion of the project. My next appointment is in the United States, which is in your city, So i need a place to live on my arrival to the states.. I get lot of acknowledgment about me being friendly, I love kids, I’m laid back, I don't move about at nights, love reading novels and listening to the news because am very conservative about politics & entertainment.

I am really interested in renting your place , I am hardworking, fun loving, personal, friendly, clean, caring, and respectful to others, a non-smoker, i don’t do drugs, i drink occasionally, and drama free. I will be working in schools, Laboratories and Hospitals.

i will like to know if you still have the place available for rent......If YES, Kindly reply the following questions below:

1) I will like to have the description of the room, size, and the equipments in there.
2) I will like to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities.
3) I will also be coming with some of my furniture, electronics that is if it is allowed, like bed, book shelf because I read a lot, shoe rank etc
4) I will also like to know if you accept Cashier's Check or Money Order so that I can contact our payment rep for the payment. The company is responsible for the payment.
5) If the 4 questions are YES, I will like to know the total cost for the initial move as in first month rent plus utilities and if deposit is necessary.
6) I will like to know the major intersection
7) I will like to know as well when the place will be available and how long you wish to rent it out.

Yours Sincerely

Jennifer Kwon
IP : 67.xxx.206.39
2016.04.08, 13:21:49
* 사기 메일 받은 것 내용 일부 복사해서 공유해요. 참고하세요 ^^


How are you today, I am contacting about your place for rent, I will start by introducing myself briefly; I am Jennifer Kwon 26 years old, Am Originally from Incheon, South Korea, and grew up in Oxnard, California.

I am a student and a Researcher by profession, presently working with The European Public Health Alliance under the inspection of W.H.O/UNICEF as a microbiologist/Researcher; I do more of humanitarian work which is out of my real profession. Moreover, I just finished a project here in Europe, about treatment of water and to educate Communities on intensive health-care.

The project was initiated by UNICEF in conjunction with EPHA; I led the troop to actualize the conclusion of the project. My next appointment is in the United States, which is in your city, So i need a place to live on my arrival to the states.. I get lot of acknowledgment about me being friendly, I love kids, I’m laid back, I don't move about at nights, love reading novels and listening to the news because am very conservative about politics & entertainment.

I am really interested in renting your place , I am hardworking, fun loving, personal, friendly, clean, caring, and respectful to others, a non-smoker, i don’t do drugs, i drink occasionally, and drama free. I will be working in schools, Laboratories and Hospitals.

i will like to know if you still have the place available for rent......If YES, Kindly reply the following questions below:

1) I will like to have the description of the room, size, and the equipments in there.
2) I will like to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities.
3) I will also be coming with some of my furniture, electronics that is if it is allowed, like bed, book shelf because I read a lot, shoe rank etc
4) I will also like to know if you accept Cashier's Check or Money Order so that I can contact our payment rep for the payment. The company is responsible for the payment.
5) If the 4 questions are YES, I will like to know the total cost for the initial move as in first month rent plus utilities and if deposit is necessary.
6) I will like to know the major intersection
7) I will like to know as well when the place will be available and how long you wish to rent it out.
Yours Sincerely
Jennifer Kwon

-가장 흔한 스타일인 것 같아요. 또는 크리스찬인척도 많이 해요.
IP : 24.xxx.77.46
2016.04.08, 13:18:58
저도 3일동안 너무 많이 받아서 공유할게요. 계속 저한테 이름이랑 메일주소만 바꿔서 와요. 조심하세요
이름: Jennifer Kwon, Emalea black, Hyo soon paker, Grace lee, Tim Nguyen, Christina park....
이렇게 온 것만도 많아요. 무조건 내용은 영어로 옵니다. 몇개는 그냥 무시했고, 어떤 사람한테는 사기치지 말라고 답장했더니 더이상 안오네요. ㅋㅋ 일단 영어로 말 걸어오면 무조건 무시하시는 게 좋아요. 이름이나 메일은 얼마든 만들어서 올 수 있으니까..

<내용 참고하세요.>
* 내용은 거의 비슷한데, 막 자기 소개를 엄청 길게 하면서 신뢰감을 줄려고 하거나 친한척?을 좀 해요..
그리고, 자기가 유럽에서 일하는데 태어난건 미국이고..막 한국인 교포거나 혼혈이라고도 하고.. 이런소리를 하면서 한국인 교포인척을 하는 경우가 많아요. 근데 한국말은 모른대요 ㅋㅋ ..한국어 모르는데 보스턴코리아에 어떻게 알고 보내냐라고 제가 물어보니까, 그 다음부턴 미리 변명을 준비하더라구요. 친구가 여기 링크를 보내줘서 보고 왔다~이런식으로 얘기도 하네요. 조심하세요!!
(저도 예전에 당할 뻔 했어요..가짜체크 받고나서 무시했었어요.)
IP : 24.xxx.77.46
2016.03.14, 14:38:35
Kyung Park
12:48 (1시간 전)

한국어 메일 번역
영어 번역 안함
Hi.I'm interested in your room and i really want to know if still vacant and besides that do you accept advance payment.I speak little Korean that's why am writing in English so if you ain't comfortable with that its okay by me.If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and let me know the sublet charges and deposit. Have a good day...

개인의 정확한 인폼과 전화번호 달라 했더니 어떤 인폼을 원하냐면서 1-310-307-2618(인터넷
폰 주정) 전화가 왔어요 통화를 했더니 @@@ 흑인 전형적인 목소리 @@@@ 와 나이가 든 목소리
였어요 ... 자긴 half korean 이구 한국말 전혀 못하구요. 내가 이거 SCAM 아니냐구 하니깐
오히려 화를 내요..... 속지마세요 ... 많이 대담해지고 있네요

@@@ 속 .. 지 ...마...세...요 @@

[email protected] or Kyung Park 으로 왔으니 살펴보세요
IP : 192.xxx.65.191
2016.03.06, 18:04:38
3월 5일 (1일 전)

Am Bekky Campbell,i got you on (bostonkorea), Am interested in Sublet/Room Share. What is the final asking fee and Date the rent will be available for move-in ?

이매일 내용이 예전에 받은것과 많이 흡사합니다. @@@ 조심하세요@@@
IP : 71.xxx.68.134
2016.02.26, 11:00:10
Grace Lee 라고 어제 왔고요.

한국태생이고 켈텍을나왔는데 1달간 유렵에 출장나와있다...

그런데, hotmail & look 메일 섞어서 주고받는 메일이 달랐습니다.


케트린 박
IP : 66.xxx.20.139
최근 사기자/스캠머 2016년1월
2016.01.26, 07:34:23
최근에 받은 사기/스캠 이메일

이름: Emalea Black
이메일 주소: [email protected]

1. 본인은 미쥬리주 출신이고, 현재 위스콘신에서 간호학 프로그램에 있다고 함.
2. 현재 할머니가 암때문에 병원에 입원하고 계시고, 수술을 1월말에 한다고 함.
3. 할머니의 금용관리자가 체크를 나한테 보내줄꺼라고 함.
4. 포스팅과 전 이메일에 렌트비용을 적어놨는데도 불과하고, 렌트가 얼마인지 자꾸 물어봄.
5. 본인 여권 사진을 첨부해, 나의 여권이나 아이디사진을 찍어서 보내달라고 함. (**인터넷/이메일로 절대로 본인 아이디/여권 사진을 찍어서 보내시면, 안됩니다!!!**)

처음온 이메일 [*특이하게 텍스트가 아닌 text사진; jpg 파일로 첨부해서 보냄]:
I am Emalea Black,
I'm interested in renting your place and I will like to know the tenancy available date for moving in and moving out. What is the total cost for moving in; kindly include all charges in details .i.e. Rent/Deposit and Utilities. I await your response ASAP.
Thank you.

IP : 71.xxx.45.243
2015.12.30, 12:33:20
이런 이메일로 오기도 하네요. 이름은 Pat Edger.

Hello ,
How are you doing today? Thanks for the response and I am so
glad to read back from you. I am pleased to know that the room is
still available for rent,I want you to know that the total move in
cost (Rent/Deposit) is okay with me,i'll appreciate it if you could
send me the pictures via email if there is any, as I would like to see
the place.

Please understand that I'll not be able to check out the place not
till my arrival and I'd
like to take a decision now.I will like to share a little about
myself. Am a busy person that
love to work and am a returning student here at the College and i am
currently a pre-nursing major.I will be applying at the end of this
year for the nursing program here.I am a very studious person but I do
like to hang out with friends. I'm still single.

I drink occasionally, I like hardworking,honest, clean and responsible
people and I dislike
lazy,untidy and uncaring people. I love pets but I do not have one due
to the nature of my
busy schedule. I like the outdoors and I'm a good swimmer and
sometimes play tennis. I'm financially secure, time conscious and see
myself as an independent person and pays my bills on time. I'm quiet
and easy with myself and willing to share the house chores as a
prospective tenant. I am a great cook and baker (love to do both) I
believe this about summarize what you need to know about me

I'm currently in Indiana in to attend to a family emergency and
will be there in college
soon.Furthermore, I will like to know more about you and the
neighborhood, is street parking allowed or paid for because I will be
coming over with my car. Will there be enough room for my bed-room
furniture? I will also like to know if you have vacuum cleaner,laundry
machine, dryer and refrigerator? If not can I come with mine.

How long/short is the lease period? I would love to rent the place
for the time it is
available for. I'll be busy with my travel arrangements but I will
like you to get back to me
as soon as you can so that I can make preparations for the rent and
deposit fee to be
sent out to you before my arrival in your place in order to secure the
place before i come.I
believe we can work together and ensure every arrangements that we
shall both execute in line with my taking up the tenancy should be
done accordingly to ensure we have a proper understanding.

As regards the lease agreement,if there is any,i want you to send
it to me for my review,i will eventually have it filled and signed on
my arrival in your place and i will abide by it I will appreciate a
quick response from you so that we can move ahead as regards sending
payment for rent and deposit to you.

IP : 173.xxx.26.228
2015.10.06, 21:34:05
저도 오늘 받았는데 공유합니다.
Hi, How are you doing?

My name is Christina Park, 25 years old female and I was born and in South Korea and raised in Los Angeles, ....I work as a business consultant, I work Monday to Friday and take weekends off, but I am currently in Europe on a business trip for more than 2 months now. I really enjoy traveling, and enjoy meeting people across the world. My work is full of stress, but worth the stress. I am very neat, quiet, easy going, friendly, and honest person.

I came across your advert about your place for rent. I'll like to know the rent fee per month plus the utilities, the description of the Place, size, pictures of the place, and the equipment's in there, the closest market, mall and church around. I will also like to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my arrival that will be as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place for me. I'm coming to the states to start up my own business and I will be glad if you can get back to me with a complete email with description of the place. I hope to hear from you soon

IP : 136.xxx.206.137
2015.09.06, 12:58:24
박희영, kathy lee라는 이름 등으로 사기 메일 계속 와요. 이 이메일 주소들 눈여겨 두세요 [email protected],
[email protected] 아래와 동일 인물의 사기 메일들입니다.
IP : 73.xxx.101.212
2015.08.27, 12:27:14
Scam이 많이 떠돌아 다녀요. 이싸이트외에도... 공무원 직장에서도 떠요.

감이 이상하다하면 열리말고 junk하세요.

[reference 철저히 하지안코는...] 돈은 절대로 알지 못하는 사람에게 보내지 마세요.
부동산 오피스와 거래하실경우, 체크나 money order은 개인앞으로 쓰지마시고, 꼭 회사이름을 쓰세요!
현찰은 피하시고; 만약하실경우, 영수증 꼭받으시고 거기에 신분증 번호 (대부분, 메사추세츠 운전면호나
메사추세츠 ID) 입력하시고 사진확인하시길 바랍니다.

부동산과 거리하시려면 서류가 철철해야합니다!

케트린 박 [email protected]
ps - 2014년 올해부터 부동산에서 일합니다. 필요하신사항있으시면 연락주세요
26년 케임브리지 거주자입니다. 성심것 도와드릴께요. (한국어 잘못알아듣었을때 양애해 주시고요!)
IP : 66.xxx.20.139
2015.06.17, 10:07:29
아침부터 기분나쁘게 Mi-sun이라는 이름으로 사기 메일 받았네요


How are you doing? I am replying to your advert about your place

for rent,I am Mi-Sun Kim, 26 years old female and I work full time,

Monday to Friday and have weekends off except for once a month. I

was born and in South Korea and raised in Santa Monica, CA......I

work as a volunteer. I teach children how to use the computers and

how to speak English. I enjoy working with children but currently in

Europe on a programmed of humanitarian, teaching and

environmental volunteer projects worldwide for more than 7 months

now that will be ended in 2-3 weeks time and return back to the

states I am very dedicated individual who is totally committed to

human development, friendly, very trustworthy. I am a laid back

person, I love traveling, sporting and enjoy meeting people around

the world. I saw your advert about your place for rent and i am

extremely interested in renting your place. I will like Answers to My

questions Below about your place for rent:

I will like you to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities,

description of the Place, size, pictures and the equipment in

there,names of major areas like, Markets, Malls,

Churches,Gym.Taxi Park,Churches,Restaurants and bars,e.t.c
I will also like to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my

arrival as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for

you to hold the place down for me since I am planning on coming to

the states to establish my own business. I will be much glad and

happy if you can get back to me with answers to my questions above

as soon as possible so as to arrange for you to get the payment

before my arrival to hold and consider the place is mine.I Await your

Reply ASAP

IP : 98.xxx.14.26
2015.04.30, 23:41:44
오늘 이런 이메일 받았네요. 다들 조심하세요.

Hee-Young Park

to me

How are you? My name is Hee-Young Park , I am 25 years old female, Korean American, I was born in South Korea but raised in US, but i am presently in Europe on a contract for more than three weeks now....for

an internship at a company called KOTRA, the Korean government trade & investment promotion company. We have over 119 offices worldwide and support and assist small and medium sized

enterprises back in Korea to go global. My work is full of stress, but worth the stress. I am very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and

value relationship above anything. I am a laid back person, I love traveling, sporting and Enjoy meeting people around the world.

I came across your advert about your place for rent on the Korean Website you posted. I'll like to know the rent fee per month plus the utilities, the description of the Place, size, pictures of the place,

and the equipment's in there, I will also like to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my arrival that will be as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place for

me. I'm coming back to US after my program is over in two weeks time. I will be glad if you can get back to me with a complete email with description of the place. I hope to hear from you soon

IP : 76.xxx.24.28
2015.03.29, 23:42:34
저도 오늘 당할뻔 했어요...이름을 바꾸어서 요즘엔 Mi-young Park 으로 사칭하고 다니네요.
IP : 69.xxx.65.125
2015.03.03, 09:56:52
Heeyoung Lee 라고 이메일왔는데 위 댓글들이랑 같은 내용으로왔습니다. 조심하세요
IP : 50.xxx.228.24
2014.05.30, 20:34:29
너무 그럴싸하게 연락이와서,,,,,,
심지어 체크 받고 홀드 풀린거까지 확인하고 설마하고 돈을 보냈는데 확인해 보니 돈 보내고나서 체크가 다시 홀드 됬더라구요....지금 머니그램, 웨스턴유니온 다 연락해놨는데
갑자기 왠 날벼락인지 모르겠네요.....
IP : 209.xxx.70.187
2014.04.12, 17:12:27
저도 김미영이라는 이름으로 사기 당했습니다. 싸이프러스로 돈 보내라고 했고 엑스보스가 보내준 첵이 있을테니 나머지를 자기한테 보내라는 내용이었습니다. 저말고 다른분들도 안전하게 안당하셨으면 좋겠습니다....ㅜㅜ
IP : 136.xxx.210.66
2014.04.05, 18:22:31
저도 Mi-Young Kim 이라는 이름으로 똑같이 왔어요...
체크 까지 다 받았는데 뭔가 낌새가 안좋아서 바로 취소했거든요.
이 글 미리 읽었어야 했는데 다들 조심하세요 ㅠㅠ
IP : 66.xxx.209.93
2014.03.27, 13:24:44
이분 다시 뜨셨네요.

다들 조심하세요.
IP : 155.xxx.64.64
2014.02.10, 21:40:35
저도 이 이멜받았은데 도움될꺼같아 올립니다...
1) 영어를 쓰시는데 영어문법이 자주 틀립니다. (title of email :needs a place to stay)
2) 자기 소개를 이름보단 스타더스를 먼저 얘기합니다 (to assure that "they" are trustworthy- with a job) if you google their name and company you will easily see that they are not even on linkedin.
4)listing을 보았다면 렌트비랑 인포메션이 있을텐데 그냥 다기 다 vaguely물어봅니다. 그리도 리스팅에 대한 specific question 도 없습니다.
이건 제게온 이메일입니다.
How are you doing today,I'm sending you this email about your place for rent. My name Mi-Young Kim, I am 26 years old female, Korean American, I was born and in Seoul and raised in US, but presently in Europe on a contract for more than three weeks now......I'm an Event Planner and have been doing it for over 2 year now. I plan events like Weddings,Birthdays,Annual General Meetings,etc....My job is filled with stress but worth the stress. I got a contract for big occasions in Europe.
I graduated from US Career Institute in Colorado 3 years ago. Its a Wedding between two young couples Mesut & Lemar, They are both in their early 30s respectively. I got the contract via Lemar's friend,She was my colleague when I was in US Career Institute in Colorado.
I saw your advert about your place for rent on the Korean Website you posted. I'll like to know the rent fee per month plus the utilities, the description of the Place, size, pictures of the place, and the equipment's in there, I will also like to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my arrival that will be as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place for me. I'm coming to the states after my event is over in two weeks time. I will be glad if you can get back to me with a complete email with description of the place. I hope to hear from you soon

속지마세요 :(
IP : 71.xxx.201.24
2014.02.05, 19:05:52
헉~~!! 저도 Mi-Young Kim에게 당할뻔 했었는데.. 전 은행에서 조심하라해서 알았는데.. 완전 감쪽같이 속을뻔했어요.. check를 넣으니 정말 내 통장에 돈이 들어온것같은 느낌이 들었습니다..
다들 조심하시길. 전 미국사정을 모르니 정말 기술적으로 문제가 없을것같이 느껴지더라구요..
IP : 18.xxx.1.123
2013.12.31, 08:25:50
저도 사기 당할 뻔 했습니다.

Mi-Young Kim, Hee-Young Kim 등의 이름을 사용하고 이메일은 야후 계정이었습니다.
Korean American이라고 하는데 조금만 이메일 대화해 보시면 아니라는 것을 금방 아실 수 있습니다.

전형적으로 자기가 지금 유럽에 있으니 아는 사람 (옛날 보스 등..)이 대신 수표를 보내면 차액을 보내라고 합니다.

전 사기를 당하진 않았지만 어떻게 신고할 수 없는지 궁금하네요. 보스톤 코리아에도 이런 사람들이 있다고 생각하니까 무섭습니다.
IP : 209.xxx.132.149
2013.10.29, 12:32:30
저도 이사람한테 크게당할뻔했는데요. 이 게시물은 미리 보았더라면... 하는 후회가 들었습니다. 저는 다행히 머니그램에서 제돈을 홀드해주어서 다시 돌려받았구요. 정말 모든 분들이 이게시글을 읽어봐주었으면 하네요.

희영이라는 영어이름을 썼고 서블렛으로 들어오고싶다고 서문을 열었구요. 중요한건 이사람,

여자가 아니라 남자인거같습니다(Also, not Korean). 그리고 미국이 아닌 타국에, 놈들이 무리지어 행한다는걸 짐작했는데요.

첨부했다시피 전 싸이프러스라는 나라에 송금했었는데, 얘네는 미국에 있는게 어니라서 경찰들이 손쓸수없는거같도군요. 내일 웨스턴유니언과 경찰서에 보고할것같구. 다행히 돈을 돌려받아서 안심이지만, 새벽에 문자질하며 계속 돈을 넣어달라고 하며 괴롭힌 그 시간들은 좀 섬뜩하더군요; 문자와 이메일로만 연락하고 나머진 없었거든요. 모두들 서로 정보공개 확실히하면서, 분명치 않고 전화도 안하고 계좌 없는사람은 의심하길 바랍니다. 그리고 이 게시판이 부디 많은 분들이 읽고 슬기롭게 대처하시면 좋겠네요.


Thanks for getting back to me with the receipt upon the check. I want you to help me send sum of $2570 to my flight manager via Moneygram Money Transfer for my flight arrangements back to Boston. Here is my flight manager's name and address in which I will like you to get the $2570 (CASH) sent to asap via Moneygram Money Transfer.... in the below

First Name: Richard
Last Name: Odigie
Country: Cyprus

What you need to do to is to flight manager's info and the cash of $2570 to the Moneygram outlet. You will also need your ID card to transfer the money, because there will be Transfer form for you to fill out when you get there. I think they will explain more better to you when you get there but just make sure you hold $2570 in cash and there will be transfer charges, so deduct the transfer charges from the money you want to send.

Please note you will have to email me this information's below after you finish with the Moneygram transfer for picking up of the funds by my flight manager.


2: Sender's Name and address

I will like you to try all the possible best you can to help me transfer the money tomorrow because I want to be in MA on Monday because I have an appointment. It won't take you up to 15 minutes to send the money at any Moneygram outlet. I will let you know my flight info when it is schedule that's after you get the money sent..Thank you. See you soon.

Hee-young Kim
IP : 64.xxx.134.197
2013.10.27, 00:31:07
오 저도 이틀전에 올린 글에 Heeyoung Kim 이란 분이 같은 내용으로 이메일이 왔어요. 올려주신 글 덕분에 무사히 넘어갑니다. 이분 정말 끈질기시네요. 모두들 조심하시길.
IP : 76.xxx.175.251
2013.10.11, 13:46:11
주로 Sandra Kim, Hee Young Kim이라는 주소를 많이 쓰고요.
[email protected]이라는 이멜주소를 구글해보니 서부의 타주에서도 같은 이멜이나 비슷한 이멜로 사례가 있습니다. 아래 링크 참조.

제가 받은 메일입니다. 참고하세요. 제가 보기엔 한국사람이 아닌듯 합니다...

How are you doing today,I'm sending you this email about your place for rent. My name Hee-Young Kim, I am a 26 years old female, Korean American, I was born and in Seoul and raised in America, but presently in Europe on a training course for more than 3 months.......I am a professional, Computer Analyst and I deal in various kinds of computer applications and software. I graduated from University of Los Angeles 3 years ago and I have my Bsc in Computer Science...

I saw your advert about your place for rent on the Korean Website you posted. I'll like to know the rent fee per month plus the utilities, the description of the Place, size, pictures of the place, and the equipment's in there, I will also like to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my arrival that will be as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place for me. I'm coming to the states to start up my own business and I will be glad if you can get back to me with a complete email with description of the place. I hope to hear from you soon

IP : 66.xxx.17.49
2013.10.10, 15:48:52
저한테도 비슷한 메일이 왔었는데, 전 방을 구하는 입장이어서 잘못보낸거 아니냐 답장했었는데....
이런 사기가 있었네요. 다들 조심하셔요....
IP : 72.xxx.169.204
* 보스튼코리아 게시판에 기재된 글은 보스톤코리아와 일체무관하며, 보스톤코리아에서는 어떠한 법적 책임도 없음을 알려드립니다. 글을 작성하실 때는 신중하게 작성하여주시기 바랍니다.
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Bostonk.. 2024.10.16 182
Bostonk.. 2024.10.16 241876
Bostonk.. 2018.06.25 21091
Bostonk.. 2014.04.15 51816
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