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Wisemama가 산후관리 해드립니다!
2023-06-07, 22:48:22   Wisemama 추천수 : 62  |  조회수 : 1128
IP : 174.XXXX.165.224
 플러스 광고
의견목록    [의견수 : 1]
2023.10.02, 02:47:38
After hiring this person, my body and mind are a mess.
I didn't know that taking advantage of people was such a scary thing.
I was very wrong with my baby while working.
I made this woman quit her job.
This woman should not be a postpartum caregiver.
If you never use this woman, you will be harmed.
Don't use it in Boston or anywhere else.
If you are looking for a postpartum care provider
I think you should think about it.
Postpartum care was ruined.
IP : 104.xxx.113.153
* 보스튼코리아 게시판에 기재된 글은 보스톤코리아와 일체무관하며, 보스톤코리아에서는 어떠한 법적 책임도 없음을 알려드립니다. 글을 작성하실 때는 신중하게 작성하여주시기 바랍니다.
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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
10011 fn21 2023.09.19 1004
10010 sm0513 2023.09.18 1541
10009 sm0513 2023.09.18 1071
10008 Spa 2023.09.16 1241
10007 Miamiam.. 2023.09.15 1032
10006 Miniman.. 2023.09.15 1653
10005 TSBT 2023.09.14 1700
10004 Biobook 2023.09.11 1436
10003 Genosco 2023.09.11 1446
10002 Mint 83.. 2023.09.10 1029
10001 내니 2023.09.10 1246
10000 Fishtof.. 2023.09.10 1082
9999 mai 2023.09.09 981
9998 Dooley 2023.09.07 1146
9997 네일가게 2023.09.06 948
9996 세탁소 2023.09.06 1152
9995 Taruzzi 2023.09.06 1234
9994 Chyl 2023.09.06 1300
9993 Dental.. 2023.09.05 3192
9992 밥아저씨 2023.09.05 5822
9991 박홍일 2023.09.04 1534
9990 Ariacou.. 2023.09.04 1865
9989 TOPIA 2023.09.04 1703
9988 96X0404 2023.09.04 1472
9987 Y유학원 2023.09.03 1981
[스페셜 채용정보]
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