Children fell in love with the beauty of “Hanbok”
보스톤코리아  2013-05-13, 12:44:08 
Written by HyunCheon Kim  / Translated by JaeMin Woo

Boston Children’s Museum hosted a cultural event to introduce various aspects of Korean culture including Hanbokon May 5th, Korean ‘Children’s Day’. 

The event, which was hosted by the museum in celebration of its Centennial, provided opportunities for children from diverse backgrounds to experience Asian cultures including Korean, Chinese and Japanese. 

Planned by Dong-hee Jang, the head of Boston Art Studio, with the support of the Korean Cultural Society of Boston, the event was largely divided into performances, artistic activities, traditional activities, and trying on Hanboks. 

The Hanbok experiencing section caught many children’s attention by allowing children to take pictures with their Hanbok on in front of images of beautiful Korean culture.  

Moreover, ceramists Jae-ok Lee, Ji-in Lee, and Jun Park attracted children by holding workshops on making ‘Pungkyung’, an ornament for traditional Korean houses, using clay. 

Meanwhile, the parents not only praised the beauty of colorful Hanboks, but also participated in activities like Ddakji-Chigi, Jegi-Chagi, and making Pungkyung themselves, in order to assist their children in experiencing a new culture. 

The performance by the traditional dance group of the Korean School of New England under the direction of dancer Chan-hee Park was acclaimed for their presentation of Jindo, Buchae and Janggoo dances.

Dong-hee Jang, the planner of the event from Boston Art Studio, said, “I am glad to present Korean culture at Boston Children’s Museum, a place where children from all over the world visit. The participation of the Korean community made this event especially more meaningful.” 

The Korean Cultural Society of Boston is planning to host an even bigger cultural event at Boston Children’s Museum during the upcomingKorean Thanksgiving Day. 

ⓒ 보스톤코리아(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
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