A Korean Movie Invited for the Boston International Film Festival
보스톤코리아  2011-04-25, 15:38:49 
MyongSool Chang
Translated by SoYeon Lee

A Korean movie ‘A Fresh Girl (Chung-A)’ was invited to officially compete at the Boston International Film Festival and will have a showing at the downtown AMC theater this Friday at 6pm. It is the first time that a Korean movie received an invitation at the Boston International Film Festival.

This year’s 9th Boston International Film Festival invited 50 movies to compete. The event has begun on April 15th and will feature all the movies until 24th and will determine the final winner at the closing ceremony.

Starring a young actress, Se-Yeon Kim and directed by Jung-Ho Kimhan (40), ‘A Fresh Girl’ is “a modern version of ‘Shim Chung Jeon’ , Korean Version of children’s story, that is newly created to unfold cruel and sad fairy tale for adults.” It is about a girl throws herself into the sea, Im-Dang-Su, to take care of her father and protect her family.

According to Director Jung Ho Kimhan, the movie “centers on a girl who gets hurt in the world of all kinds of greed and lust and through that world she meets a person who heals her wounds. At the end, it is about the dilemma of human in desire and greed.”

Director Kimhan worked on the scenario for ‘Chung-A’ and its running time is 92 minutes. The reason that the organizer invited the director’s movie is that the movie “beautifully laid out a young girl’s dedication for her family.”

Director Kimhan said he is “honored and joyful to receive an invitation for the Boston International Film Festival. Also, it means a lot that I can show my movie to Koreans and Americans before it is distributed.”

This movie is the second movie made by Director Kimhan, who has been making movies for years in Chung-Mu-Ro after his first movie “Show,Show,Show” back in 2003. Previously, he worked as a producer for Director Ki-Duk Kim’s work ‘Crocodile’ and was an assistant director for movies, Poison and Destiny.

The movie is planned to released this November in Korea.

ⓒ 보스톤코리아(http://www.bostonkorea.com), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
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