Japanese Students Are Still In Shock
보스톤코리아  2011-04-06, 14:01:07 
HyunAh Park
Translated by SoYeon Lee

Earthquake, Tsunami, followed by possible nuclear explosions in Japan has put Boston’s Japanese-American students in great shock.

The damage was caused by natural disasters that have brought anxiety and distress in Japan wasn’t exception for the Japanese students in Boston. Students who live near the damaged area could not return to Japan because the airport has closed down. Some of the students are worried since they were unable to contact their relatives or friends in Japan.

Also, Korean students who were planning on returning to Korea via Narita International Airport were held back in Boston.

A Japanese student, Haruka Kiso (20), Kotomi Fukahori (20), Midori Fukushima (20), and Ayane Tani (20) who are attending EC Boston Language Institute were full of sorrow since their plans to Japan became unpromising as they allowed the interview to be held.

Are there a family member or relative living in the area affected by Tsunami? Do you the current situation?

Haruka Kiso (Japan, Saitama) Fortunately, all the family members are safe. But 10 of my dad’s employees died and several of the employees are deprived of contact. Also, I just can’t believe that several people are sharing a piece of bread of a meal. Electricity, telephone, internet, TV and all means of communication are disconnected and it is hard to use public transportation.

There is a long time lagging between buses and more than 100 people get on a bus. I’ve heard that people can’t drive cars and have a hard time in many ways. I’m worried about my friends who I can’t reach at this moment.

Midori Fukushima (Japan, Chiba) It is so scary. I came to Boston two weeks ago and it’s sad that all these things happened as soon as I left. My brother lives in Sendai.

Only after I talked to him on t he phone I found out that he is safe. But he says that the grounds are still shaking, sirens are still ringing, and the atmosphere is still tense. He is alone, apart from the family, and that makes me feel dreadful, so I’ve been praying every day. Everyone is trembling in fear. I am worried.

Kotomi Fukahori (Japan, Chiba) My grandmother lives in Shizuoka. She said she was fine my family is still worring. They’ve heard the earthquake intensity hit 6. My parents are frustrated that they can’t do anything even in this situation. I was actually planning on going back to Japan on this Sunday since my language course ended. But the airport is closed so I’m held back. I’m so worried about my family and friends. I’m more concerned since I’m not sure when the airport will reopen.

Ayane Tani (Japan, Osaka) Since disaster occurred in northeast area, my family and relatives living Osaka are safe. However, everyone is worried about nuclear explosions, as well as the possibility of radiation leakage.

Japanese student Takeo (Male, 31) who is currently studying in MBA at Suffolk couldn’t hide his shock. “ Japan is the place for frequent earthquakes so many commercial aspects of preparations has been set aside for a while. But, I have never seen a major earthquake like this before.”

“Fortunately my family and relatives are safe, but personally, I’m worry that Japan’s economy would be critical inflicted by this disaster”, said Takeo.

Aftermath of intensity 9 earthquake and tsunami, Japan’s recovery operation is in full swing. But Russian earthquake experts predicted that a stronger earthquake with a tsunami is likely to happen again soon.

Japanese people have continued to worry about the problems of radiation leakage from nuclear power plants.

Many Japanese students who came to Boston for language courses said they were not familiar with the Japanese community. They said if there was a community, they would actively contribute to share information.

Many of them were upset that they couldn’t find out about how much of funds were raised for relief efforts in Boston or even if there was an effort made to raise funds.

All the interviewed Japanese students said, “even though it is not big money, we are happy to raise money by buying ‘Lady Gaga’ bracelet ($5). And hope for more support.”

Last Sunday, a global pop star Lady Gaga through her Twitter page wrote that she has “designed a bracelet to help Japan” and said she is planning to donate entire funds to Japan.

Most of Japanese students are involved in this fundraising along with Kiso, Fukushima, Fukahori, and Tani, many other Japanese students have already bought bracelets.

The white bracelet with red texts says ‘We pray for Japan.” Two days after the sale, more than $250,000 were raised and Lady Gaga is currently selling them on her official website. Price is $5, but you can donate as much money as you like.

ⓒ 보스톤코리아(http://www.bostonkorea.com), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
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