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Wisemama가 산후관리 해드립니다!
2023-06-07, 22:48:22   Wisemama 추천수 : 58  |  조회수 : 1054
IP : 174.XXXX.165.224
 플러스 광고
의견목록    [의견수 : 1]
2023.10.02, 02:47:38
After hiring this person, my body and mind are a mess.
I didn't know that taking advantage of people was such a scary thing.
I was very wrong with my baby while working.
I made this woman quit her job.
This woman should not be a postpartum caregiver.
If you never use this woman, you will be harmed.
Don't use it in Boston or anywhere else.
If you are looking for a postpartum care provider
I think you should think about it.
Postpartum care was ruined.
IP : 104.xxx.113.153
* 보스튼코리아 게시판에 기재된 글은 보스톤코리아와 일체무관하며, 보스톤코리아에서는 어떠한 법적 책임도 없음을 알려드립니다. 글을 작성하실 때는 신중하게 작성하여주시기 바랍니다.
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[스페셜 채용정보]
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