Where are our leaders? - Linda Champion
보스톤코리아  2019-11-28, 15:35:03 
Did you know there are no minorities on the governor’s council? Not one! It is time for our leaders and those who want to serve to step up and run for Governor’s Council. This is a paid part-time position.
If you are going to change a system, then change the system. Governor's Council has eight elected members. Its main role today is to vet nominees for judicial appointments. No one can become a judge in Massachusetts without this vote. Governor's Council also votes on nominees to the parole board as well as on pardons and commutations. The Governor's Council is the final hurdle for anyone wanting to become a judge in Massachusetts. If you serve on the Governor's Council the decisions you make trickle down to every city and town and sets the rules. Why? When you approve a judge the decisions they make each and every day impact public safety and countless other aspects of life in the community.
Find your district and make a plan to run for this very important position!!!

ⓒ 보스톤코리아(http://www.bostonkorea.com), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
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