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미국 차 보험 새로들때
2020-09-26, 13:43:52   js 추천수 : 235  |  조회수 : 3144
IP : 173.XXXX.144.164
 플러스 광고
의견목록    [의견수 : 1]
J. Daniel Shin
2020.09.29, 08:25:38
Call MxxxRE insurance. You have to find two local agent's office phone number near you. Ask them give you a best quote. You do not have to tell them your speed ticket history.

Then call to Gxxxo agent (1-800 number) telling the lowest premium amount you have from MxxxRE.
Choose the lowest price for you.
Ask quote every six month from three places and maintain your best premium. You can hop insurance companies anytime you want. Good luck!
IP : 24.xxx.30.172
* 보스튼코리아 게시판에 기재된 글은 보스톤코리아와 일체무관하며, 보스톤코리아에서는 어떠한 법적 책임도 없음을 알려드립니다. 글을 작성하실 때는 신중하게 작성하여주시기 바랍니다.
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