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영어 발음을 교정할 수 있는 책 (Pronunciation Fun for ESL Students)
2017-01-06, 00:00:01   Bostonkorea 추천수 : 177  |  조회수 : 3006
IP : 75.XXXX.8.87
Book Cover

by Christine Mandell, M.Ed., long-time tutor to Korean students in the Boston area and around the world

Pronunciation Fun for ESL Students, by Christine Mandell, M.Ed., is now available on Amazon.com. Improve your pronunciation with fun stories and exercises that will give you practice with all the sounds of American English. Download-able audio files of this entire book are available for free at ChristineMandell.com. Christine has written this book after years of experience tutoring Korean clients.

Book Cover


This new book is available onAmazon


Down-loadable audio files available at ChristineMandell.com


Additional information regarding tutoring by Christine is available here on BostonKorea.com: Please click here.





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